Happening in the Beehive...

Welcome to a new school year at TMSE! I am so excited to start our SIXTH year, and I am so glad to have your family as part of the adventure!

Learning to Be IB!

At TMSE, we are working hard to become IB Learners. The qualities of an IB Learner include: reflective, open-minded, thinker, inquisitive, risk-taker, knowledgeable, communicator, principled, caring, and balanced. Throughout the school year, we work to build these qualities in all learners, knowing that all students already display many of these qualities. We want them to know it, too!

Monday, November 3, 2014

It's already November!

Can you believe it is November? I am overwhelmed by the fact that it is already November. It's such an incredible time of year for learning! I love this time of year for a million other reasons...hot cocoa, bonfires, falling leaves, pies...I could really go on for days. I hope that you and your families will be able to enjoy your favorite things together this month, too. 

We only have three weeks of school in November, and it will be over before we blink. We will finish our google presentations this month, and start my FAVORITE unit of inquiry late this month. Next up are Celebrations! I love it. Please start thinking about a celebration that is either unique to your family or just a celebration that your student finds interesting. As a teenager, I fell in love with Red Nose Day in Australia. It's a celebration of life for prematurely born babies. I happened to be there on Red Nose Day when I was 15, and thought it was so important to celebrate those special babies. That's what I would study. Think about something unique, and be creative! Information for this project will come home soon. 
Bits from the Birdhouse... D

Be sure to ask your student about this week’s happenings! We will...
  • Continue to work on our Old Lady book.
  • Continue Unit 3 of Investigations. We are turning our focus to problem solving and various strategies to build understanding of place value. Refer to the handbook if you have questions, and you can always ask me! 
  • Swap classrooms to study Ancient China with Mrs. Swinney.  
  • Work on our summative presentation in the lab. 
  • Have new word study lists. Please be sure to study at home! 
  • Have PJ day for United Way on Friday. 

We’re ready for a 
great week!

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