Happening in the Beehive...

Welcome to a new school year at TMSE! I am so excited to start our SIXTH year, and I am so glad to have your family as part of the adventure!

Learning to Be IB!

At TMSE, we are working hard to become IB Learners. The qualities of an IB Learner include: reflective, open-minded, thinker, inquisitive, risk-taker, knowledgeable, communicator, principled, caring, and balanced. Throughout the school year, we work to build these qualities in all learners, knowing that all students already display many of these qualities. We want them to know it, too!

Friday, September 20, 2013

It's Opening Day!

Happy Friday! I don't know about you, but I have been a busy teacher/mom/wife/PERFORMER!! It has been a crazy month and a half, but Shrek! The Musical opens tonight! Your children have been so amazing as I have been rehearsing and while my patience could be wearing thin, they have kept me going with their amazing-ness! I can't wait for them to see the show on Monday. On that note, thank you for being so understanding at Open House! Obviously, I was not there. :/ If you need answers to anything not covered or clarification on something, just ask! We are well into our study of communities, and I hope that you have been able to glean from your student at least a little bit of what has been going on in class. We are planning a new city, learning how other communities around the world are similar to and different from our own, discovering what cities need in order to stay organized...in other words, we are learning a LOT. This morning, we had a visitor from the City Development department and learned even more about what goes into building something new. The students were even issued building permits for their contribution to Electric City. Be on the lookout tonight for more about that! In Math, students are exploring problem solving strategies. A few things have come home for practice. You will probably notice that, more than likely, we are not learning math in exactly the same way you (and me, too!) learned Math. It is much more focused on number sense and the development of thinking strategies. If you ever need support for math at home, please let me know! Small group reading is going, and I am constantly making adjustments. At home, please make sure your student is reading and completing their bookwork. It shouldn't take more than 15 minutes. If they are reading a picture book, have them read it to you in the car on the way to your evening's activities! :) It is difficult to have an appropriate discussion if students only touch the book in class. Lastly, I have absolutely LOVED your feedback in the student Newsbooks. I have been able to provide additional support and reflect on my practices simply through what your student writes and how you respond. I hope you are enjoying them, too. Thank you, thank you for you positive support through the first month of the school year. I feel that we are off to an incredible start, and I hope you do, too!